Articles by "dosya uzantıları"
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Aşağıdaki fonksiyon bir dosyanın uzantısını döndürüyor.
Function GetExtension(Filename As String)
Dim PthPos, ExtPos As Integer
For i = Len(Filename) To 1 Step -1 ' Go from the Length of the filename, to the first character by 1.
If Mid(Filename, i, 1) = "." Then ' If the current position is '.' then...
ExtPos = i ' ...Change the ExtPos to the number.
For j = Len(Filename) To 1 Step -1 ' Do the Same...
If Mid(Filename, j, 1) = "" Then ' ...but for ''.
PthPos = j ' Change the PthPos to the number.
Exit For ' Since we found it, don't search any more.
End If
Next j
Exit For ' Since we found it, don't search any more.
End If
Next i

If PthPos > ExtPos Then
Exit Function ' No extension.
If ExtPos = 0 Then Exit Function ' If there is not extension, then exit sub.
GetExtension = Mid(Filename, ExtPos + 1, Len(Filename) - ExtPos) 'Messagebox the Extension
End If

End Function
Fonksiyonu aşağıdaki gibi çağırabilirsiniz.
FileExt = GetExtension("c:windowsvbvb.exe")